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Indecent Blogging

Mar 26th, 2004 5:34:32 am EST

Hubby wrote about early morning sex and I have to agree. There’s something about starting out your day freshly fucked that just makes everything else so much easier to face. Who cares then what kind of stress you have to face at work? That 10am conference call no longer matters because you can let your mind drift back to his sweaty body thrusting over yours.

Early mornings is when I workout. Often at the end of my workout when I am spent and sweaty I am feeling a little “randy” (hehe – love that word). The problem is always one of time. Sometimes I’ll push myself to get going earlier just so I can have time for a little reward sex at the end of it – makes it worth pushing myself a little harder.

Yesterday morning when I climbed up on him he was nice and sleep-sweaty, which mixes well with my workout sweat. There is nothing better than a good fuck before jumping into the shower; that awesome feeling of skin against skin. What is it about skin contact that makes you feel so close to someone?

What a great way to start the day. I need to push myself to get going earlier more often!

(1) Comments

masterorator- March 27th, 2004
Skin to skin. I HATE condoms!

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